Costa Homebuilders

Frequently asked Questions

How do we calculate sq/ft?

All square footage is calculated from the outside face of the brick/stone including all areas that have a full ceiling height.

If you haven’t already purchased a lot, get in touch with a builder. We have found that the best results come from partnering with one of Costa’s Build On Your Lot Specialists before you start looking for land. A specialist will ensure that the land you choose is suitable for the type of home you want to build.

Over the years, we have developed great relationships with our suppliers, which gives us buying power and you lower costs. Plus, our builders are always up-to-date on changing building codes, safety regulations, and energy-saving home products. With our vast knowledge and expansive resource base, we can help you save money without having to put in all of the work yourself.

Each home is unique. As a result, building times vary from project to project. Usually, we are able to complete the building process within 7-14 months. Usually, we complete the building process within 10-14 months.

Before you buy land to build, you want to consider zoning laws, easements and any additional site work that might be required. We understand that these details might not be things that you are familiar with – that’s why we will help you navigate through this process before you buy land. We want you to try to avoid any unforeseen complications if possible.

Building a home requires a lot of decisions, and we at Costa Homebuilders understand that. We know tastes change and things come up, so we have a streamlined process in place that makes us flexible when it comes to design changes.

We are Pittsburgh’s premier custom and luxury home builder. We will work with you every step of the way. From picking your lot and designing your home all the way through the building process, we are here for you to make sure you get the home of your dreams. We are also mindful of your budget during the process. Our architects will design for you only after an agreed upon budget so that we do not show you a home that you love, but cannot afford. No matter what stage of the process, we will always put you first!

We are building your home, so we always welcome you to come stop by and view the progress.

Yes. We know it can be overwhelming trying to decide on all the details for your home. To make the process easier, we will provide you with a timeline with each selection deadline so you can stay organized and stress-free.

During the first year in your new home, we ask you to keep note of any issues that may come about. At 12 months after move-in, we contact you for that list and schedule contractors to come fix those issues. The most common problems are small drywall and paint touch-ups.

Additionally, we have our own in-house service department. Please do not hesitate to contact them after you move in with any questions you may have regarding your new home.

We are happy to take you to current job sites to show you the different stages of the building process. We also have great relationships with our customers, so taking you to see a finished home is never a problem either. If you simply wish to check out some of our designs, visit our gallery of work on our website.

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